Getting to YES; the process of achieving planning approval

CurveBlock- Wallington development: The Story so far.

We recently announced first stage approval has been granted. Our involvement in the Wallington development spans 12 months. Below is the history of the site thus far. The challenges faced in UK construction planning approval lend to the incredible potential for profits upon successful completion of this process, IF you have the skill and knowledge necessary to surmount the many hurdles.

Our initial introduction to the site was in November 2018 and was made via the retained marketing agent.  After initially deciding that the opportunity was not feasible due to the design and aesthetic of the existing building, a curiosity began to build that there was in fact a real opportunity to turn this horrible building into something worthwhile – both in design and financial terms.

The following 3 months involved the viewing of the building and its surroundings on numerous occasions and a number of meetings with our architects and planners to determine the potential of the existing building and any further potential that it may offer. In early February 2019 we concluded that the building had the ability to be converted under a Prior Approval Notice into 4/5 flats AND had further potential for up to 7 additional flats on the roof and at the side. This led to an offer being made to the retained agents at the advertised asking price and the acquisition being agreed in early March.

Whereas most property TV programs will assure you that this is it, deal done and everything else is plain sailing, unfortunately this was the beginning of the numerous issues we have had to encounter and overcome in the following 11 months.

The property we had agreed to buy was a first-floor office, with ground floor entrance and car park. We had also been advised that we would have the ability to extend the building upwards. The issue we encountered was that the property was held under a ‘flying freehold’[1] which effectively means that it sits atop another freehold title[2]. This is uncommon, but not unheard of in UK property, it did mean that there was legal uncertainty as to which of the freeholds would be ultimately responsible for the structural integrity of the building. Coupled with this was also a legal query as to which of the freehold titles ultimately owned the legal right to extend the building upwards.

At this stage, after spending a considerable sum on legal bills (we had also agreed to cover the vendors legal costs as part of the transaction), we decided that although we could gain planning permission for our intended development, we would have serious concerns as to whether the buyers of the completed units would be able to secure a mortgage. Unfortunately, in late June we decided that it was no longer feasible to continue.

What followed was the realization that we had potentially wasted almost 8 months and had a considerable abortive bill. We had to inform the owners, our design team and finally the marketing agent – firstly to thank them for their assistance and involvement, but ultimately to say we would be unable to progress further.

The conversation with the agent was painful for both sides and is not a conversation anyone enjoys having or having to make that call in the first instance. It is a conversation most would seek to avoid having in person, but would instead deal with via email, text, WhatsApp etc.

If you take one piece of advice from reading this article, please let it be this:

‘No matter how hard the issue, do not avoid it. Confront it, and deal with it head on’.

The conversation with the agent developed rapidly from joint dismay, to exactly how this transaction could be resurrected. Following our lengthy legal advice, the only way this could continue would be to acquire the ground floor freehold in a linked transaction with the flying freehold – the catch? It would mean acquiring two titles from different sellers (with different solicitors) for the same figure we had agreed at the outset. Despite this seeming like an uphill struggle, the conversation with the two freeholders progressed at pace over the following 3-4 weeks and in mid-July we received fresh contracts from both freeholders.

The legal conveyancing started again in earnest and gave us confidence to submit our Permitted Development application (planning application) to the Local Authority in August. Once again, we thought that we had regained control of our own destiny – after all, the statutory period for a planning authority to determine a Permitted Development application is 56 days/ 8 weeks.

What followed was a number of queries from the planning department about various aspects of the scheme. Each query then had a requirement to produce further drawings, amend the existing drawings or to instruct further specialist reports to accompany the application. Whilst we have an extremely diligent professional team around us, each variation to the initial application required the planning department to reconsult the surrounding neighbours and various other Council departments. Although seemingly a straightforward process the statutory period for consultation is 3 weeks, so for every change, the clock reset.

Finally, in January 2020, with all boxes seemingly ticked, the final curveball. The Environmental Health department requested a further acoustic survey be undertaken of a nearby commercial premises. This report was quoted, instructed and carried out within 48 hours of this request, with the accompanying report issued inside 4 days. Following submission of this final report, the Local Authority finally issued the Prior Approval Notice on 13th February. This will allow us to complete on the purchase of both freehold properties in March 2020 and physical works on site to commence in due course.

We have also now been able to submit the formal planning application for the second phase of development.


[2] ownership of property with the right to pass it on through inheritance.

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dr lisa cameron

Dr. Lisa Cameron, Former MP/Psycologist



stephen b website

Stephen Peter Boardman MBE DL CMgr FCMI FInstLM

Venture Partner


Jessica Matteo

Venture Partner



Jessica Matteo wife/boss of Dominic and mum/slave to Luca

Jessica is a former professional classical dancer, who now spends her time teaching all genres of dance at her own school in Yorkshire. She is also the creator and director of Luisa Matteo Home Fragrance, which was born in the lockdown era, and continues to thrive, Luisa Matteo Home Fragrance is a non-toxic, eco-friendly and handmade brand that Jessica makes personally in her workshop in Lightcliffe. Away from her working life she enjoys travelling, reading and supporting her football mad son and husband.

I am thrilled to be involved with CurveBlock I truly believe this company is about to change the game!

Dominic Matteo

Venture Partner



Dominic Matteo is a Scottish former professional footballer who played as a defender and midfielder in a 17-year professional career from 1992 to 2009. He made a total of 366 league and cup appearances, of which 276 were in the Premier League. He was scouted by Kenneth Dalglish as a 9-year-old boy playing in Southport and went on to enjoy a 16-year tenure at Liverpool FC before joining Leeds United as their captain.

Dominic was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour in 2019, after lifesaving brain surgery and months of radiotherapy he is now raising awareness and funds to help others through his own charitable foundation Ahead of The Game, which he co-founded with fellow brain cancer survivor Dave Bolton.

Dominic now works in TV broadcasting and is an ambassador for Leeds United FC. In his personal time, he enjoys a pint with the lads down the boozer!

I am honoured to partner with CurveBlock and cannot wait for the world to know about this incredible team of people.

sima kanan

Sima Kanan

Legal Partner


Antony Cotterill


Antony is a wheelchair tennis player who competes at an elite level, with career highlights including a 2-time World Team Cup world champion (wheelchair tennis version of the Davis Cup), Doubles Masters world champion, and numerous ITF titles in both singles and doubles. He has represented GB for over 13 years and also represented GB at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio. His career high world rankings are ‘5’ in singles and ‘3’ in doubles. He is really excited to be part of CurveBlock as he sees two of his interests outside of tennis – property and Blockchain – together in an amazing project.

Simon Cocking

Marketing, Media and PR Specialis


LinkedIn Simon Cocking is Chief Editor at Irish Tech News, CryptoCoinNews and InvestInIT – with over 1.5 million+ combined unique monthly views and growing. He is also the top ranked member of the ‘People of Blockchain’ (#1 for 2018 based on total funds raised). He is also a business mentor and advisor working with 200+ successful ICOs to date. He has also been named many global Twitter influencer lists in the last 12 months. He is an accomplished public speaker at events including TEDx, Web Summit, and overseas in Pyeonchang, Amsterdam, Dubai, Delhi, Kiev, Singapore, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Madrid, Tbilisi, Riga, Porto, Dublin and Helsinki in the last 12 months. He has been based in Ireland for over 22 years and has cofounded or founded seven successful companies.


Keith Madeley, MBE



paul large

Paul Stallard MBA. Fellow LIBF. FCIM

Venture Partner


Matthew Couch

Co-Founder / MD - Land & Development


Matthew has 15 years experience in the real estate sector working with developers, agents and investors – both on the client and delivery side. Matthew has vast experience in sourcing development sites with and without planning, or sites with capacity for planning gain – both on and off market and across the UK. Matthew has developed a reputation for being able to add value to existing sites with consent by improving unit mix, optimising unit plans and delivering additional capacity on both surplus and under utilised land. Having been involved in the acquisition, development and sales functions for a number of developers (both regional and national), Matthew has an acute understanding of the complexities of the development process and how to unlock access to additional revenue streams (entry and exit), complex financial modelling and exit strategy planning to meet, and improve upon, required financial returns.

Jordan Cohen

BIM Specialist


Roger Ransome



Following a successful career in corporate IT for several multinational enterprises, responsible for             multi- million pound infrastructure projects, Roger brings real-world experience of IT Technical Architecture, Networks & Security, and Systems Design to CurveBlock. Since 2004 Roger has been a property investor. In addition to this he founded a successful business in 2015, gaining useful experience in finance, marketing and other business skills. He is passionate about crypto and the many use cases and efficiency benefits it brings.

Joey Jones

Co-Founder / Chief Revenue & Compliance Officer


Joey has many years of business management experience building successful teams and companies. Joey is also a Former Registered Investment Adviser with 37 agents geographically dispersed, and has built business from $0-$50M+ portfolios. This experience gave Joey deep understanding and knowledge within the Securities Compliance Arena. Working in the computing space for the last 10 year, and blockchain since 2016, Joey connects quickly with any target market and communicates well with all parties and publicly, which will have a substantial impact for CurveBlock around the world. Certificate of education in Blockchain and Digital Equity from University of Nicosia.

Gary Woodhead, FRSA

Co-Founder / CEO


With over 29 years construction industry experience, not only within the real estate development market but also other development sectors such as Commercial, Industrial & Agricultural developments. Along with Gary’s extensive construction experience & knowledge he’s also deeply involved in the world of Blockchain. Successfully scaled one of Europe’s largest building materials manufactories over 4000% leading to a private equity buyout during 2016.